Monday, January 17, 2011


I've had the movie Inception sitting in my PlayStation for about 2 weeks or so before I actually pressed play, and it took about 3 tries after that before I actually finished the whole film. After finally finishing the film I THINK I like it lol.
 I'm not quite sure if I really consider this a movie I can watch all the time or when I'm bored at home on a rainy day. I don't think I can catch myself saying, "shit I'm bored, lets have our minds raped by an increasingly complicated storyline filled with people sleeping all the time". I can't argue that the movie was well made, obviously used their budget to their advantage, and put together very interesting concepts but It just failed to keep me really glued to my seat with genuine interest.
I have no doubt that the technology to manipulate people while sleeping exists, but do I want to see a dream within a dream while dreaming of a dream on the big screen?...I think not.
The special effects were amazing, the acting was great, and story concepts were groundbreaking....but that's all folks!
In the end, I'm glad that I saw the movie but I think I could have been just fine not seeing it also. 3/5 stars this one gets the sideways thumb!



Sweet Layers Bakery said...

i agree! good movie but once if def enuff!

Kenny22 said...

I cant remember what the movie was about lol