Thursday, November 18, 2010

The delay

You know what really grinds my gears? People with blogs that don't keep up with yeah I'm that guy. The guy with the intelligence of well rounded gentlemen but the ethic of every lazy stereotype known to man. The artist who let's the paint dry on his brushes...the mailman with one leg and memory problems..the basketball allstar with a constant ankle sprain and rape charge...I've pretty much have followed that ethic for some time now until the clouds opened up and instead of God taking a royal dump upon the surface of my life, it was God smoking the biggest spliff I've ever seen then passing it to me and saying " You know what Kenny?"..."What?" I said..."Enough is enough my son" as I choked on the God bud, I reaized my time to wreak havoc, strike fear, and rule this life of mine once again.
No more will time have its way and come and go when she bitch the buck stops here. So you know when they say "take life by the horns".....yeah i am mexican donkey showcasing that bitch and selling the tickets on the android market complete with matching widget. Yup..its pretty much on from here on end...things are finally where they need to be in order for me to comence my grand world takeover scheme....and keep up with my blogs.
Wow...all of that and I just kind of wanted to say sorry for the delay in posts but a brownguy just starting working again so things have been crazy adjusting being a productive citizen again.
Oh stay tuned I'm back in the swing of things. Peace, love, and remember....."fuck the po leese" and Mel Gibson for president

1 comment:

Sweet Layers Bakery said...

lol i love it!!!! ur so amazing its unreal! big thing pa and only big things!