Thursday, October 28, 2010

Poppin the Blog Cherry

Well here I am finally starting a blog of my own, a bit late considering everyone and their mother has one of these things now a days but you just shut your mouth! lol :) This will be my sanctuary, my batcave, my ice fortress of ideas, planning and reflection...and you are all invited. The topics will range constantly since that is what my mind seems to be doing. I can't seem to focus on one thing so I figure I might as well use that handicap to my advantage and funnel all of these ideas here. The language and topics can get offensive, disrespectful, and damn right crazy..but then again its my mind we are peering into. Life is not censored so why should I be? Too often we are censored and prohibited from being able to speak and think freely and with the way technology is going these days, there are more and more ways to control, track, and influence the masses. Shit, every time that I will post something that includes any keywords that would be considered "of priority" by Big Brother my post will be sent to some pencil pusher in the gov to analyze to see if I am a threat. But that won't stop me. I will cover whatever the hell I want to whether you like it, the government likes it, or whoever else. Why? Because this is America! "The land of the Free" right? lol
Well I might be getting sidetracked here so let me get back on pace..I hope that you all enjoy my writings, thoughts, and random rants on everything you can possibly think of and I look forward to interacting with you all.
My name is Kenny aka Brownman aka Dblock general aka I wish a n*gga would and welcome!


Kay DeJesus said...

I popped your comment cherry! Welcome, my friend, to the wonderful world of blogging! I look forward to your writings!

Nore said...

Well well look what we have here. I'mdown to hear these thoughts and rants that you speak of. Damn Kay for getting here before me. I dislike brown people yet I am one, sort of. :/ Is that wrong? Anyways,congrats on the blog, you blogger you.