Monday, April 25, 2011


Dear Back pain,
                         I would like to take this time to give a heart felt "fuck you" to whatever has caused my back to feel like japan...... not only after the most recent earthquake, but japan after being raped by a pissed off godzilla,...,.yup that pretty much sums up the level of pain I'm going thru,..
Hey ladies and terms!, while I'm at it lets list some of the things this clusterfuck of a pain has prevented me from doing!

1. Get up from bed without the need of Allah and an extra set of hands
2. Going to bathroom in a reasonable timeframe...,yeah emergencies are fun filled when an 89yr old woman with one leg can out-run you
3. Work...yip can't get up,...can't shat on u bud
4. Bend down
5. Turn or twist
6. Anything....yes ladies and gentlemen with a back nerve problem you are pretty much fucked from the get go so do not collect and do nit pass go..

Lol yeah that sounds like fun huh?

At this rate ill actually become my couch rather shortly.

Brown for president as long as he can get up.

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