Sunday, April 17, 2011

From Evernote:

Since when did you become such a big drinker? I thought I was enough, I though

Since when did you become such a big drinker?
I thought I was enough,
I thought I always delivered
I thought in my mind that mr fine wine was fine
Since when did you become such a big drinker?
I thought one glass of me was good
Thru all these years I never thought you could
Have another glass where mine once stood
Since when did you become such a big drinker?
When I was there everything seemed alright
Same song and dance on days and nites
Drunk on love high on life
Since when did you become such a big drinker?
Come to realize that you were taking a sip
Of another type of glass and another type of drink
Of another type of class and another type of thing
Since when did you become such a big drinker?
Now you see that the picture is bigger
That drinking from two cups forfeits the winner
I thought you loved this fine wine i deliver
So since when did you switch to drinking LIQER?
Since when did you become such a big drinker?

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